Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Tagged by SakaiMui

20 things about her :
  1. Chindian
  2. Baby V is her heartbeat
  3. Love dark chocolate
  4. Talk super fast (can't catch up sometimes)
  5. Always tear when she depress or sad
  6. Black is her fav color
  7. Hates shythole ( Sg. Long )
  8. A very good listener
  9. Drive a army-green SLK
  10. Super duper friendly
  11. Love her Sparkles and her godson - Teddy =)
  12. Love Teh O' ice
  13. Afraid of ah woo woo
  14. Love to cook
  15. Creative mind she have
  16. Always hang out at Ken 3, Damansara
  17. Tom Yum freak
  18. Lasenza's fan
  19. Long lashes
  20. Alcoholics!!!

I tag NO ONE!!! enough...


♥ belle ♥ said...

aduiii. black is not my fav color. i like other colors too! :) AHHA

Queenie_puffpuff said...

OMG!!! serious??? soooweeee