Tuesday, August 11, 2009

2007 vs 2009

Lamest post ever!

Was looking thru all my pictures, years by years. Its funny when you look back how you used to be, how NERD you used to be, I mean. hahahaha

People coming in and out your life. Good or bad, all of them. Meeting new people is actually for you to learn about life. Very true indeed. *smile*

Among of all the pictures, I pick one that is 2007 and I'm in bob cut! hahahahah

11 August 2007
11 August 2009

Spot any different??? Yea, I know besides my hair, I'm so much fatter, right??


Ainee Cumi said...

where got fat lorr..
so cantik!
i ingat u cut ur hair..terkejut!

Queenie_puffpuff said...
