Friday, October 9, 2009

OFF DAY w/ failure activities

Mentioned about petting zoo on the previous post.

Went to my beloved-daddy's stall for breakie with Jackie. Jackie had the yummylicious curry me while I had my most time fav lam mee.

My beloved-daddy' stall, isn't he cute?? Yea, I know, we both look alike. :D
Location : Ipoh Garden South, Restaurant New Weng Fatt

On the way to Sunway Ipoh petting zoo

Sadly to say that the petting zoo is included in the water park. They don't have tickets for the petting zoo ONLY. We both don't wanna get wet and tanned at the same time, so we headed to JJ for movie.

Disappointed face! :(

Jackie xx Queen

Sadly to say AGAIN, there's no movie for us at that time.


Window shopping awhile and headed to Oldtown for lunch and heart-to-heart session.

That's it, off day with failure activities. Hopefully next week off day will be better one.

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