Saturday, March 14, 2009

another tiring night!!

Extremely tired due to busy working day and lack of sleep!! Exhausted! I drank 2 litre of water but still not enough for me. LOL Scared later too much of water will get oedema!!! hahahahaha

Michellebabe called, ask me to go club. Man!! I really cannot ler, if I go, tomorrow I'll die!! Sorry babe, next time ya!! mwaaahh

Rather stay at home, online, watch horror movie House on Haunted Hill... Not scary at all!! I prefer Wrong Turn, which I will watch later.

My both hands and shoulder are numb. Applied some cream to reduce the tiring muscles! I LOVE L'occitane!! My fulltime bff!! hahahahaha

Ok, time for another sessions of movie, popcorn plss..!! =)

Chaoo~~~ nighty


Louise L. said...

how u made this pic? so funny!! :)

Queenie_puffpuff said...

HAHAHA....edit a bit!! =)
btw, who are u??