Saturday, December 27, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
I'm Back!!!
Sorry for the super duper late updates!!!
Been busy shopping at KL, not enough of water for my body and now I got the feeling of sickness. Everyday slept at 7am, not enough of beauty sleep, my skin is very dehydrated. But i had a wonderful week!!! ^^
The Birthday Boys!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!
*Smita & Mini*
Lots more in my facebook....Go check it out!!
And yeah, I finally found 'Cheong Sam' at One Utama. Thanks to SakaiMui!!!! heeeheheee
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Heart Sakai Mui

Wednesday, December 10, 2008
He said, She said....
Candy and Lily are dead. *sobsob* You must be wondering who is Candy and Lily. Is fishy!!! bleuks... Both of them are very cute and naughty sometimes. Especially Lily, always spit water to strangers! HAHAHAHA... * RIP *
Since they're no longer here, manager asked me to buy new fishy. I bought some peacock and fighting fish.
Peacock Fish * easy to breed * Can't wait to see the babies.... lol
Fighting fish, fierce looking * metallic blue-greenish + indigo * I'll name it 'LOLA'.... hahahahaha
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Got Punked!!
According to my previous blog, I dreamt about smeeelllyy came back but when I woke up only I realized that it was just a dream. Guess my dream came true. HAHAHAHA...
Was messaging smeeelllyy on Friday night :
Me : What you doing the there?
Him : Going out for dinner. You eh?
Me : Just finished work, later might going Jusco with Preeta. Then later night Rum Jungle.
Him : Oh okie, only both of you?
Me : Yea, What to do, boring!! This morning I dreamt bout u came back. =)
He called and asked, whether is I dream about him or someone told me he was back? I said, it was just a dream, no one tells me you're back. Then, he told me that everyone is back, only himself stayed back.
Me : HUH? Only you stayed back? Why? That means you dinner alone?
Him : I'm going out with *someone* . Tomorrow is her birthday.
*I was pissed off after the message, upset*
Decided to go Jusco for a walk and then later night club. So, I was complaining how pissed off am I about the message to Preeta. She just listened to me, and trying to calm me down a little. Until Vino called, asked us to go rooftop to meet them. Just after reached the rooftop, I hugged Vino, and he said " Don't worry la Queenie, everything will be fine ". Just after he said that, I saw someone look very VERY VERY familiar walking toward us. OH MY GOD!!!! There's no staying back at KL, no dinner with the *someone* and etc.. I GOT PUNKED!!! I was so surprised, I screamed and ran away from them!! HAHAHAHAHA Smeeelllyy is looking all over for me at Jusco and he's BACK!!! *grrriinnnsss* Another surprises from him! GOD!! I could have heart attack. But is sooooo sweet of him.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Thursday, December 4, 2008
OH NO! My colleague, Emily got chicken pox this morning. Yesterday, she was scratching her hand, i told her, "Don't scratch later not nice". We both don't know that it is chicken pox. We thought was a mosquito bite. Then this morning she went to clinic and comfirmed that is chicken pox. I was so afraid of it. I don't want to get any of 'em. Cause they will leave MARKS!! Oh god! Please help me to stay away from those chickys! I was calling my mum, manager, other branch of colleagues, asked for information, do I need to go for any injection! Well, the injection is quite expensive. But not recommended cause is like, their inject those cells of dead chicken pox into our body, and when our body realise those intruder, they will automatically produce antibodies. But this is not happen immediately, may takes some times, maybe weeks, months. Information from Mr. Faisal. =)
*Dear, Ms/Mr chickys, please don't come to me, I will be a very good girl, will drink more water, stay at home, so, please don't come to me, okay??? Thank You*
HAHAHAHAHA....... nightzzz
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
God Bless *smeeelllyy*
And I bumped into Michellebabe with her 2 friends. Oh, she look seriously tired.
Three of us were chatting bout schooling time, ex-es, current bf, friend of friends and etc... Oh yea, there were 4 of those chinese horny fellas looking at us non-stop and annoyed us all night! Raja was braved enough to cheers with them, and said softly, " You old man don't have wives at home? Go home la! " Preeta and me was laughing like a mad women there, don't worry, no one dare to mess with us! Cause we're CIM!!! *chinese, indian, malay* HAHAHAHAHA
Reached home around 2.00 am, cause I need to fetch both of em' home. =) Can't wait to hang out with them again. As usual, I will log in my facebook, blog and msn before I off to bed. Smeeelllyyy was still doing his assignment at late night, tomorrow early class, and test somemore! Oh god, I hope he can handle it. All the best to smeeelllyy. Support you no matter what.
Well, is 3.30 am right now, guess I need to get some sleep. Not forget to apply overnight mask, my skin is a bit dehydrated. sigh.... Night~~
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Hello Tuesday!!!
Woke up this morning with full of energy. Looking myself at the mirror for about 10 minutes. HAHAHAHA I can tell the difference. *wink* Singing ' Sunshine through my window, That's what you are, My shining's star, *Sunshine* Making me feel I'm on top of the world, Telling me I'll go far ' by Gabrielle.
It was like my off day today, woke up with the mood of not working. But the fact is, I need to work. So, getting myself ready and headed to work. And I'm working now!! HAHAHAHAHA.... My appointment is at 3 pm, gotta go get ready. Bye~~