Wednesday, December 3, 2008

God Bless *smeeelllyy*

Just came back from drinking sessions with Preeta and Raja. Three of us was drinking at Greentown Oldtown Kopitiam, bubbling and laughing non-stop. But we planned to have some alcohol at the end. First we thought of buying some beer from 7E, but then Preeta suggested a better idea that is liquor! So, she was showing me the way to get the liqour near St. Micheal school, till we passed by Moon River, reminds me that the beer is so much cheaper than others place. So we decided to whack some beer with the stinky river scenery! HAHAHAHAHA

And I bumped into Michellebabe with her 2 friends. Oh, she look seriously tired.

Three of us were chatting bout schooling time, ex-es, current bf, friend of friends and etc... Oh yea, there were 4 of those chinese horny fellas looking at us non-stop and annoyed us all night! Raja was braved enough to cheers with them, and said softly, " You old man don't have wives at home? Go home la! " Preeta and me was laughing like a mad women there, don't worry, no one dare to mess with us! Cause we're CIM!!! *chinese, indian, malay* HAHAHAHAHA

Reached home around 2.00 am, cause I need to fetch both of em' home. =) Can't wait to hang out with them again. As usual, I will log in my facebook, blog and msn before I off to bed. Smeeelllyyy was still doing his assignment at late night, tomorrow early class, and test somemore! Oh god, I hope he can handle it. All the best to smeeelllyy. Support you no matter what.

Well, is 3.30 am right now, guess I need to get some sleep. Not forget to apply overnight mask, my skin is a bit dehydrated. sigh.... Night~~

1 comment:

Raja Nadiah said...

so late u sleep
so rajin