Saturday, January 17, 2009

No Title

Got a bouquet of flower from a MYSTERY MAN!!! HAHAHAHAHA....... Why I mention mystery??

To, Queenie

Have A Nice Day

From, dot dot dot =)



My colleague, Emily brought her two schnauzer, Jack & Jill for grooming. So, around 5 p.m, she wanted to go and collect them at the pet care centre. AND YOU KNOW WHAT??? She bought a toy poodle!!!!!!! OMG!!!! Reminds me of my Teddy. But this lil fella's color is a bit different, golden caramel!! Look at him, isn't it cuteeee???? Kinda playful, running here and there... CLUMSY!!!! hahahaha.... Took few pictures with him....

awwwww......look at his eyes!!!! sooooooo cutteeeeeee!!!!! grrrrrrrrrrrr

owhh!!! I just can't stop it!!! So adorable!!! COme to Mama!!! LOL


Ainee Cumi said...

wahh got secret admirer lorr..
its from me larr..

dat toy poddle so damn kiut..
if i can bela da lame i bela tau..

Raja Nadiah said...

i damn suka the puppy