I found that CNY is getting bored year after year. Don't have the spirit of CNY at all, but luckily all my gurls came back, so yeah, we had fun. Almost every night I slept at 7 am!! CRAZY!!
There's nothing much you can do in Ipoh, except, chilling at the bar, cafe or club. Talk about gambling!! hmmm... I got no luck at all!! This year is OX Year, myself is a ox and is not good for OX, so, gotta do something with it. Chinese people said have to go SIP TAI SUI, because this year ox FAN TAI SUI... I got no clue what is that, but mummy will do it for me. LOL
On the 3rd day of CNY, had a gathering dinner at 1919 Restaurant with all my gurls, Oranges, Ruby, Sukie, Cheron, Theresa, Canney & Jackie. After dinner we headed to BARROOM. Everyone is high on alcohol, especially ME!! The tequila shots kills me! uurrrggghh!!! But yet we had so much fun.

Ruby & Queen ( 1919 )
Meet up with Emelia & Kynki at Jusco CoffeeBean. Non stop gossiping bout SOMEONE!!! hahahahahahahaha
Very bad of us, right?? I know, but we cant help it!! LOL

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i love u too
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