I need something SWEET now, like really sweet. Craving for sarsi, mcflurry strawberry, custard..... ugghhhh hormones changed!
And I'm so into Leona Lewis - Better In Time, don't ask me why, me myself also don't know why, out of the blue the song is playing continuously. lol
Since someone is not around, so I managed to catch up with my girls @ Friends cafe, two days in a role. One thing that I love bout FC is their smoked salmon caesar salad and blackcurrant tea.
Ta daaa.... Isn't it look delicious??? YES it is! =)
Went home earlier for my DVD marathon. The Haunting in Connecticut is awesome. Based on true story. Is about one family's real life encounter with dark forces of the supernatural. I watch it alone in the middle of the night. I just love horror movies!
Again at the same place with same girls but bump into Karen, Ames and Calvin. Its been age, Mr. Calvin, busyman after graduate. What to do, family business. Keep it up man!
Okay, I wasn't ready yet. Another one plssss
Had so much fun with the card games and girls talk ( only for me, Cher and PShyen to know ) Ohmygosh.....laugh die me! Who say only guys can talk dirty?? Girls also can okay! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Today, tiring day. Went home straight after work, dinner and I fall asleep on my comfy bed. Woke up realized is already 1230 am. NOW, I'm so awake. DVD marathon again??? hmmmm Yea, think so. Haven't watch Confessions Of A Shopaholic.
not best larr confessions of shopaholic..
quite bored..a bit slow
not best arrr??? for me damn nice weyh!!! hahahahaha.... i love it! hahahaha
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