Thursday, October 30, 2008
E X C I T E D !!!!
nothing much to do in office......just sitting around, browsing my facebook......commenting on SAKAI BELLE's wall!!! ^_^
kinda excited........silly me -____-"
I'm going to kayyyeelllllee tomorrow noon with Juliebabe....... celebrate HALLOWEEN!!!!!
might be gng MOS...... might be!!!! hmmmm......damn *pokai*...
have to in stock some babies.... MAC eyebrow pencil, AnnaSui compact, Lasenza.....etc....
sigh...!!! money finishing!!!!!!!! OMG....... nevermind nevermind...... work hard!!! ^^
YOU EARN, YOU SPEND!!! hhheeeeehhheeeeee
oh yea, not to forget the company dinner this SUNDAY at Genting Highland......
guess what??? smmmeeellyy promised to fetch me there.......... yay!!!!
ehehehhehe...... and DOME DOME DOME DOME.....caesar salad!!!!!! yummmmmmmyyyy~~~~
okay, i know i'm kinda annoying here.................but i can't help it....i just HEART caesar salad!!!
mmmm mmmm mmmmm!!!!
can't wait to see EVERYONE....!!! ><
alright, guess i'm not be able the blogging this few days
will update when i'm back!!!!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
happy weekend ^_^
Okay!! 1st of all, i know is a bit late to update my blog!!!!
but i was having a great weekend okay, so i forgot!!!! *hhheheeeeehhhheeee*
started from FRIDAY noon....3.30pm
i was happily, msging smeeelllyyy.....
me : what you doing??
smeeelllyy : watching tv, you eh???
me : nothing much, just lying on my salon bed....what time u will be back?
smeeelllyy : i'm coming back TOMORROW EARLY MORNING.....
* i was like "_____" *
me : why huh???????
smeeelllyy : tonight got birthday party at MOS....hehe
again * i was like hmmmmppphhhh "____" *
me : who's birthday party??
smeeelllyy : JESSICA, my coursemate.....vino and chris will going too...
didnt reply!!!... hhhmmmmppphhhh
smeeelllyy : had lunch addy??
me : NO
smeeelllyy : why?? you not hungry meh??
me : dunno.....still full!!!
....................looking at the phone........ no reply!!!!!!!! ><
about 10 more of my colleague, JENNY said " eh, eddy's back!! " and i was like.......... OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!
i rushed to the counter, just before i reach the counter, i saw someone STANDING nicely in front of my salon!!!!!
OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!!!! .............
damn malu okay!!! i really thought he's in kl........
SURPRISED!!!!!!!!! ......
i straight away run back inside and hide!!!!
he called my cell-phone, "come dear, we go lunch......"
okay i admit..... my face turns into red RED RED!!!!!
i say, DON'T WANT!!!!
ok...after a while, he left cause i don't wanna go out....cause i SHY!!!!! ^^
then he messaged....
smeeelllyy : come la dear, i come fetch u now k??
me : DON'T WANT, i hate u!!!! ><>
smeeelllyy : SURPRISED!!!!!!! lol
me : HATE YOU!!!! you nearly made me cry!!!! OMG
smeeelllyy : sorry.....just wanted to make u sad........i come fetch you now k?? i know u miss me.....
......okay !!!!...we went out for lunch!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA ........
sooooo swweeeettttt ^^
- end of story -
SATURDAY......hmmmm......woke up at 11++.......*hheeeehhheeee*
okay okay........was high on alcohol okay!!!!
that's why!!!!! >< * something's personal here * bleuks!!!!
went out for lunch ......SUSHI KING!!!! Jusco Ipoh......
.......camwhoring...always!!!! enjoying my miso soup while eddy enjoying is....errrrr....dunnno what sushi!!!! XD
what else somemore???? SHOOOPPPPINNNNGG TIIMMMMEEE!!!!!!
i bought one pair of GUESS heels for only RM70.00^^
yea...on sales.......actually one pair RM90.00....3 pairs RM210.00...
so me and Juliebabe, shared!!! she bought 2 pairs and i 1 pair!!!!
yay!!!! happy !!!! hhheeeeehhhhheeeeee...
Juliebabe and her bf Francis headed back to home, to have some rest since we going clubbing at night at RUM JUNGLE....
me and smeeelllyy go for a movie..... MY BEST FRIEND'S GIRL...
nice comedy movie!!!! hahahaha.... ^_^
went back home for dinner and preparing for the night out!!!!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
HAHAHAHAHA..........everyone must be curious why i shouted "SMELLY" ....... ^_____^
smelly smelly smelly!!!! hheeeeeehhheeeee....i know is annoyed but i like!!!!!
SMELLLLLY SMELLLLYYY *evil face* ekekekekekeeeeeeee
nothing much to do at home now.......suppose to welcome home +3m4n+4p!m35r4....
BUT too bad, people postponed...... TOMORROW!!!!!!! *geram-nye* "____"lll
be patient be patient!!! HAHAHAHA.......
supposingly off tomorrow, but....since people postponed, so i changed my off-day on SATURDAY...... yay!!!! time for partttaaaayyyYY!!!!
Went to do some shopping today at TSC * The Square Concept * Ipoh Garden South.....
YEAH, on working time....SHHHHHhhhhhHSHHhhhh...
*dont tell anyone ya*.....hey!!! i shopping also for good reasons.......okay!!
my company will have a GALA NIGHT at Genting Highland on 2nd of November......
hmmmmm.......i tried about 7-9 dresses, BUT I CANT FIND ANY THAT SUIT ME!!!! ARRRRGGGGHHHHH!!!! * damn tension *
in the end, i didnt buy any dress, but TWO nice top....
it can wear as one piece or with huh........everyone wear dresses.....but i'm different!!!! HAHAHAHA........
who cares???? i like or you like???? ^^
OH YEA.....guess what???? i bumped into my girl, JULIE-BABE......!!!! this called DESTINY!!!!!
she with her beloved-mummy..... very sweeetttt isn't it????? ^__^
she with her beloved-mummy..... very sweeetttt isn't it????? ^__^
hmmmm......this one not bad....but errrrrrmmm....kinda childish on me huh????
hmmmm........this one kinda matured on me....!!.
alright, time to be sleeping queen.......cant wait to see smeeellllyyyy....
muax muax
Monday, October 20, 2008
tired night.......
after a long day .... finally i can go home and get some rest since yesterday night i slept at 4am, went to club with my frens........
just after i reached home, i heard someone talking very loud.........somethings bad....
my parents are kinda sad to see them argue.....cos we used to be very happy go lucky family...... i tried to calm them down....but too bad, i CANT!!!! i felt brother and sister are not around, so.......I'm the only child at home........
hmmmmm............after a while, i called my aunt for help....cos i really don't want anything bad happen..........about 2 hrs ++ .....finally my parents cool down........ and is time for my dinner...
yea!!! You're right!!! MY DINNER AT 11pm.......hmmmmm
SOMEONE told me that my diet is unhealthy!!!!! hmmmmm...sounds like COMPLAINING...... "_____" huhuhuhuhu....... SOMEONE told me i should eat more get back my balance, but on the other hand, my ex-bf say I'm FAT !!!! OH MY GOD!!!!
well.....yea, is been 3 months plus since i broke up with my ex-bf......
he just called me.......and we chatted about 2 hrs......... in this 6 years, we only talk on the phone when we 1st started our relationship.......after that, we just sms once or twice a day or just call up " I'm coming, get ready ! "
sounds boring right???? but just now we chat back about our we we started........yea, is really nice to have such memories..........
ONLY MEMORIES.............I can very sure that it was just a memories......... ^^
we can still be best friend......that's it......BEST FRIEND........
once heart broken, there's a scar on it........
don't worry I'll be fine......i still got LOTS LOTS LOTSSSSSS of lovely friends that always support me......... *smile* especially my +3m4n+4p!m35r4.... *muax muax*
okay, it's kinda late.....i'm gonna off to bed..... sweet dreams everyone.......muax muax..... ^^
Friday, October 17, 2008
gossip girls......
FINALLY can meet up with Patricia babe ^^........ yea, she came back for singapore.......
but only for about 4-5 days..... sighhh..... not really enough time for us to gossiping!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHA..... yea la yea la.....girlssss thingieee........ heeeheeeeee
but at least we made it for parrrrttttaaaayyy babeee!!!! ^_______^
we were smsing what are we going to wear.....dress??? casual??? hahahahaaaa......again.....girls thingie!!!!!! *grrriinnnnss* at last we decided to wear sun dress!!!!
around 11pm we meet up at the SINCERO...... *da only club* lolx
we were dancing all night long....yea, we had lotz of fun!!!
Patricia babe keep on saying "BOTTOMS UP BAYBEE!!!!!"
ooooohhhhh myyy gooddd!!!!
i told her, "babe, i need to drive"
she say, " i don't care!!!"
hahahahaha......what else??? drink la!!!!
until i really cannot take it anymore, i told her i need to go home...since tomorrow i need to WORK!!!!!!!!! uuuuuggggrrrhhhhhhh "____"
i was too high to drive back, so i sms +3m4n+4p!m35r4,
i calming myself a while for about 15minutes....
then, i start to drive slow back to my homiieeee.....
nahhh!!! don't worry, i got back home safely ^^
okieeeeee time for camwhoring!!!!!!!

*patricia babe*

*sukie babe & pat babe*
the QUEEN drunk face!!!! ><
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
PISSED OFF!!!!!!!!
hmmmmmmm.........yea.......i'm pissed off by SOMEONE!!!!!!! "_____" lll
thought of sms +3m4n+4p!m35r4 before i sleep......
u know what????? SOMEONE told me that SOMEONE is gonna stay at SOMEONE's place!!!!!
*laugh die me* don't get it huh???? nvm nvm....... heeeeeheheeee
SOMEONE says, MIGHT BE SLEEPING ON THE COUCH!!!!! u see the word "MIGHT BE"........
which mean, MAYBE!!!!!! omg......MAYBE.........gone la...!!!!!!
after a few smses........out of sudden, *puuuttt puuttt* sms me, saying sorry that SOMEONE is playing a fool.....and SOMEONE is laughing non-stop!!!!!!.....
awwwwww..............*puuuttt puuttttt* so sweet!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA
so i replied *puuuuttt puuuttt* with a sad crying icon.......... lolx
and what i get...........*puuutttt puuutttt* syg back!!!!!! lolx
still don't get what i mean huh?????? bleuks!!!!!! nvm nvm!!! XD
in the end, SOMEONE say sorry that is just joking around........SOMEONE thought i knew that it was just a joke!!!!! yea.......very funny!!!!! hhhmmmmpppphhhhh
HATE U!!!!!! ><
bad day!!!! mooooooodddy
quite frustrated today!!! don't know WHY........ "_____"
1st, i thought of install some stupid games in my company PC.....
so, i click here and there....and finally installed!!!! and do you know what?????
SHYT!!!!! there's only 60mins trial!!!!!
f***!!!!!!! daym fedup!!!!
what else i can do???? browsing my facebook, friendster........and stuff....
then my colleague asked " Queenie, what u want to eat for lunch ?? "
and i was like, " hmmmmm........i wanna eat tau fu fa and laksa "
so, me and my colleague Emily went out to tapao for our lunch......
AGAIN????????? guess what???? laksa is closed, and tau fu fa also CLOSED!!!!!!!!
daym f*** up!!!!! 1st is the stupid game, now my LUNCH!!!!!! *&^^%%$$#@#@@!
cool down calm down~~~~
so i just simply choose some fried mee hoon and chao...
but i still wan my tau fu fa, so i called my dad asked him where else i can get my tau fu fa....
my dad told me near my working place, there's a very nice and soft tau fu fa......
so i went and look for it!!!!
AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! stupid moron!!!! CLOSED!!!!! *&^%%$$#@@
okay, i'm tension!!! really tension!!!!!!
we went back to the salon.......and i was so tension cause i can't get my laksa and the daym tau fu fa!!!!!
just finished my lunch......NOT TASTY MEE HOON.....
suddenly i wanna watch cinderella!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHHAA...laugh at myself.....
yea yea....childish ryte????? but who cares???? i wanna watch!!!!
so i click on youtube search for CINDERELLA PART 2.....
me and my colls sitting nicely get ready for it......
around 7.30pm my coll remind me that we have to get changed for our dinner!!!!
we had our dinner at the SINCERO RIVERBANK......
daym......the claypot tom yam is sooooooooooooo yuummmmmmyyyy........
and ofcos, the PIZZA....tropicale!!!! my favourite!!!!!
so, after dinner we head back to our home sweet home......
as usual, i took my beauty bath.........put on my mask!!!! surfing the net.....
and time for horrrrrooorrrr series.... i don't know you guys got heard it before....
GUAI TAN....the hk groupies so called " the ghost slayer ".....
they travel around the world, japan, thailand, philipines, MALAYSIA to experience the horror of the places.....houses....hospitals......caves....... etc....... daym scary wey..........
trust me...... very interesting!!!!!!!!
i stopped for while just for blogging time..... hhheeeeehheeeee
i think i shud continue the series!!!!! yea, i watch alone.....brave huh????
awwwwww.............miss my +3m4n+4p!m35r4..........
night everyone........ xoxo
Monday, October 13, 2008
is back!!!!
huulllo...i'm back!!! "______" and i'm very tired....
as u can see i written on wednesday, i said i'll be back on sat, right??
^devil eyes^
i delayed on sunday!!!! wooohoooo!!!
yea, i need to work on sunday but '+3m4n+4p!m35r4' say can fetch me back on sunday morning!!! so i no need to take bus all alone!!!! ^^
yesterday after work, straight away went back home and snorrrrriiiinnnnggggg like a piglet!!!
yea, i skipped my dinner!!!! need my beauty sleep..... hheheeeehheeee
had lotz of fun in kl......everyday drinking sessions at eddy and vino's crib.....
and EUPHORIA - MOS on 10.10.08
omg!!!!! f***ing expensive but ofcos is nice to club there...
the environment is very smoking allow........usually after clubbing, girl's hair smells bad cos of the cigarette......but in euphoria.....u still smells good!!!! heeeeeehheeeee
nahhhh....didnt shop much........just walking around at one utama and the curve...
spending time with my '+3m4n+4p!m35r4' ........kekekekekeke......
full time favourite ^caesar salad^ @ ITALIANIES
eddy enjoying his cabonara

queen & bernard *MOS*
queen & eddy *MOS*
waibin bernard & eddy *MOS*
still got lotz more pictures.....check it out on my facebook.... ^^
ok gotta chao appointment at 2pm.....byeeeeeee
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
a n o t h e r n i g h t
hmmmmmm........just finished watch WHITE CHICKS.....haha....comedy show!!!!
u know wat?? the best part is the thief who tried to steal the the quotes " IS NOT JUST A BAG, IS PRADA" hahahahaha and oh yea...the fashion show!!!! HAHAHAHAHAA
the way they pose!!!! laugh die me.....
gonna think wat to pack for tomorrow......sigh.......tees??? dress??? shorts??? jeans????
the most important things is MY SKIN CARE aka my baby!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHA
cant live without em' head is empty!!!!!!! frozen!!!!!!!!!! can't think !!!!!
guess i need a goodnight sleep for the 3 crazy days!!!!!!
and yea!!! i'm sad.....i cant go for the SIA interview this coming sunday!!!!!! *sobsob*
have to wait til december for the next interview!!!! UUUURRRGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!
^queen's angel^ "dear queenie, its okay if u can't for this interview...think positive....u may do some research before u go for the next coming interview on december......try yr u" sweet........HAHAHAHAHA.....i'm not crazy just that my angel inside me told me that i have to think positively!!!!!
alright, i need to get back to me LUGGAGE!!!!!!! *grriinnss*
be back on saturday....mwahhhh
BORED WORKING DAY!!!!!! no business!!!! DAYMN boring sitting here nothing to do....
browsing my facebook all day long......buffering my nails.... *shiny shiny* do my own facial.... "FRECKLES!!! I WARN U!!! BETTER STAY AWAY FROM MY SKIN!!!!!" huh.....hate em' =,="
tomorrow gonna off for 3 days!!! Yeah, u're right!!!! SHOPPING TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ( grinnnnnnnns )
gonna depart in the morning with my fwen, Christable, yea, she's huh??? =)
and yeah, MOS!!!!!!!! gonna be drunk queen i guess!!! =D
I wanna watch FLIGHT OF THE LIVING fav movie!!!! ( yea la yea la.....sounds weird right??? but who cares??? i like horror movies!! ^evil's face^ )
hopefully SOMEONE can watch with me tomorrow....ekekekekeke.......too excited addy......
ok la......time for me to chao!!!!! gonna get back to work!!!! bbbuuuuhbaiiiiii

Emily and queen, camwhoring while working XD
FINALLY!!!!!! someone has visited me!!! yeah, i'm happy and yet i'm sad because i have to suffer the cramp!!!! oh god, please help me to reduce the cramp!!!! huhuhu
After a long day working hours, i finally can get some rest, BUT in the sudden of my mind,
reminds me that i have to go JUSCO to buy so call "pencil case".....HAHAHAHAHA
why i mention 'so call pencil case' ?? =D because, is not a pencil case, but the umbrella's cover!!!
BUT you can used it as a pencil case........ creative right??? =P
nahhh....ofcos i don't need 'em......but SOMEONE need 'em......
Just after my beauty shower, i straight to the mall with my colleague, Emily.......and it's raining out, i WENT into the shop, and asked, "excuse me miss, OUTSIDE IS RAINING WOR, THE UMBRELLA IS IT GOT DISCOUNT????" HAHAHAHAHAHA ( yeah, i know sounds silly but in spore, they really got discount when it's raining okay??? ) so, i just choose the color, pay and chao!!!!
After the mall, i went to YEOLDE ENGLISH to meet my friends, Julie and Syafiq ( the king and queen of CHOR DAI DEE ) hahahaha....don't play play oh.....i have to pecah telur with them!!! HAHAHAHA......guess what???? i realise that i not yet DINNER!!!!!! so, i ordered wat tan hor........omg....i was f***ing full cos the wat tan hor is damn a lot!!!!
we played about 10 rounds of chor dai dee, i won 5 pts!!!!! YAY!!!! hahahaha......
Is about 11.20 pm, its time for us to chao, cos Syafiq got early class tomorrow.....
That's all for today, i'm off to bed ler......Don't wanna get panda eyes @@
Goodnight everyone.......... =)
Monday, October 6, 2008
goodbye TEDDY

Last week i bought a toy poodle puppy for RM900
I named him teddy...he's only 7 weeks old.....and he is very cute
Teddy's a super active puppy!!!! 24/7 need attention!!!!
but too bad mummy's skin allergic
back in 10 years ago, i used to have a dog,
but we gave to people cos my mummy's skin allergic to the dog's fur
so, 10 years after, she still having the same problem...
hmmmmm.....guess what???
i have to sell teddy back to the pet shop...
i put teddy there for 2 days, til TODAY
the onwer of the pet shop called me,
she told me, i SOLD YOUR PUPPY ALREADY!!!!
omg!!!!! my tears are pouring down when i heard it!!
she didnt even ask me to see teddy for the last time!!!
sob sob sob sob
but i'm glad that teddy got a new onwer...
i'm gonna miss teddy....... =(
but too bad mummy's skin allergic
back in 10 years ago, i used to have a dog,
but we gave to people cos my mummy's skin allergic to the dog's fur
so, 10 years after, she still having the same problem...
hmmmmm.....guess what???
i have to sell teddy back to the pet shop...
i put teddy there for 2 days, til TODAY
the onwer of the pet shop called me,
she told me, i SOLD YOUR PUPPY ALREADY!!!!
omg!!!!! my tears are pouring down when i heard it!!
she didnt even ask me to see teddy for the last time!!!
sob sob sob sob
but i'm glad that teddy got a new onwer...
i'm gonna miss teddy....... =(

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