Last week i bought a toy poodle puppy for RM900
I named him teddy...he's only 7 weeks old.....and he is very cute
Teddy's a super active puppy!!!! 24/7 need attention!!!!
but too bad mummy's skin allergic
back in 10 years ago, i used to have a dog,
but we gave to people cos my mummy's skin allergic to the dog's fur
so, 10 years after, she still having the same problem...
hmmmmm.....guess what???
i have to sell teddy back to the pet shop...
i put teddy there for 2 days, til TODAY
the onwer of the pet shop called me,
she told me, i SOLD YOUR PUPPY ALREADY!!!!
omg!!!!! my tears are pouring down when i heard it!!
she didnt even ask me to see teddy for the last time!!!
sob sob sob sob
but i'm glad that teddy got a new onwer...
i'm gonna miss teddy....... =(
but too bad mummy's skin allergic
back in 10 years ago, i used to have a dog,
but we gave to people cos my mummy's skin allergic to the dog's fur
so, 10 years after, she still having the same problem...
hmmmmm.....guess what???
i have to sell teddy back to the pet shop...
i put teddy there for 2 days, til TODAY
the onwer of the pet shop called me,
she told me, i SOLD YOUR PUPPY ALREADY!!!!
omg!!!!! my tears are pouring down when i heard it!!
she didnt even ask me to see teddy for the last time!!!
sob sob sob sob
but i'm glad that teddy got a new onwer...
i'm gonna miss teddy....... =(

poor pity teddy. anyhow, he now got new good owner. you should happy for him. ^^
yea...guess so.....
we all pray for teddy!!!
gonna miss u teddy....mmmwaahhhh
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