Well, smeeelllyy suppose to back on friday and i was supposing go kl on thursday but since they all coming back, so its canceled. I got nothing to do on thursday, just pampered myself a lil bit of pedicure and some hk drama as usual. Around 4 something to 5 pm, smeeelllyy messaged me,
smeeelllyy : Tomorrow i'm coming back addy, miss me or not???
me : i always miss u dear, always... can't wait to see you
smeeelllyy : Yes ar?? ok la then, go get ready, i fetch u go makan!
and i was like NOT AGAIN??????
me : huh??? fetch me go makan *act innocent abit* what u mean dear???
smeeelllyy : Just go get ready and i'll come later......
and you know what, i speeding like *ZZOooommmm here ZZZoooooMMmmm there*
After about 10 minutes, he arrived..... smeeelllyy said " Hello dear, SURPRISED!! " yea, i'm happy but not that surprised like the 1st time!!! but still i'm happy..... HAHAHAHAHAHHAA
we went out for lunch at Jusco food court with Juliebabe, Francis, Bernard.....and MADAGASCAR TWO!!!!!! Damn funny la...i was laughing like a mad women there.....till smeeelllyy said " dear, cool down a bit" HAHAHAHAHAHAHA....i cant help it....too funny addy....especially the 4 penguins....... awww....i love the baby hippo!!! damn cute!!!!!! ^^went dinner at Gourmet Square and the drinking sessions begin!!!!!
Woke up late, *evilsmile* , thought of going Cameron Highland, but no one wants to go, since kinda boring there, then 2nd plan, Taiping Zoo, but too bad no one wants to see monkeys!!!! 3rd plan, PENANG!!!!! me and smeeelllyy craving for DOME caesar salad.... thought of going there just to have our caesar salad and back to ipoh!!! crazy plan!!!! HAHAHAAHAHAbut too bad, Juliebabe have to reach ipoh by 6pm cos dinner with her beloved-mummy, and the weather is telling us its gonna rain soon......So, we headed to Ipoh Parade for some sushi....splurgeeeee a lil bit with smeeellyyy and back to smeeelllyy condo to get some rest cause we going club at night....yea, where else la??? Rum Jungle ........
Kinda sad, cos smeeelllyy is going back to kayelllee..... huhuhuhuhu....time is soooooo limit!!!
As usual i wish i could stopped the world!!!! hmmmmm.......yea, dreaming!!!!
if me ar
i wanna stop time lor
im in ur blog
hahahah..i know ure in my blog!!!!!
i wish i can do that too!!!! =(
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