Supposingly will sleep early tonight cause yesterday slept at 4.30 am.... Not really enough of sleep since i'm working today...... Yea, i need to work on weekends...... No life right??? My body kinda tired but my mind not allow me to sleep... that's why i'm FRUSTRATED..... I'm lying on my bed for about 1 hr ++, but i'm still awake.... There's nothing for me to do other than blogging..
WHY i slept late yesterday night?? hmm...what else??? Eh, come on, is saturday night.... PARTTAAYYYY~~~~ hahhaaa...... party queen..... *perasan* Me and my friends, Juliebabe, her bf Francis, Matthew, Mini & Smita ( came back from kayeellee ) and few more friends went party at Rum Jungle Ipoh..... hmmm.... I know kinda boring right??? Always rum or sincero.... HA HA HA HA.... but there's no others choice in Ipoh..... =) Don't complain ya.....
Reached about 11.30pm, kinda crowded since is Saturday night.... There's a group of PILOTs just graduated from Air Asia....... PILOT??? hmmm.....must be handsome right??? *ahem*ahem* ...... NOT EVEN ONE!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA......
Talking bout stewardess....... hmmm.... I'm really looking forward to SIA or MAS, there's always an interview every 2 months.....but everytime i didnt go for it.... Why??? Lack of confidence... No one can help me on this..... Everybody is asking me to go for it.... but i'm scared.... I got few babes who's working for SIA and MAS..... They give me lotssss of informations bout how to handle the interview and etc.... but i'm still not confidence enough bout myself..... How to build up my confidence?????????
My senior from secondary school, Kim Ong, asked me to go for modeling.... She even give me some informations on this... Where should i go and stuff.... Thanks her so so much... =) Asked me go for walk-in-interview..... hmmmm....sounds scary to me..... HA HA HA still i'm lack of confidence.....!!!!! uuuurrrrgggghhhhhh!!!!!! There's any INJECTIONS that can build up peoples confidence??? Something like BOTOX!!!! hahaha..... *evil laugh*
Okay, get back to the saturday night out..... i'm way far from that!!!! *sorry sorry*errmmm..... The whole night me and Juliebabe was waiting for the RnB....... hahahaha....... Even the Dj also fedup !!!! heeeeehheeee........ sorry la, really boring ma..... LOL... While waiting for the RnB, WHAT ELSE LA??? camwhoring........yea, AGAIN!!!! girlsssssssss

Ofcourse there's always another and ANOTHER shots!!!! but...i very lazy to upload ler..... bleuks!!!! You can check it out other pictures on my facebook ... hmmmm..... GOD!!!! I'm still awake!!!!! omg!!!! Guess i need to count sheeps!!!! 1 sheep, 2 sheep, 3 sheep, 4 sheep.............. ZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz *snored*
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