Saturday, December 27, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
I'm Back!!!
Sorry for the super duper late updates!!!
Been busy shopping at KL, not enough of water for my body and now I got the feeling of sickness. Everyday slept at 7am, not enough of beauty sleep, my skin is very dehydrated. But i had a wonderful week!!! ^^
The Birthday Boys!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!
*Smita & Mini*
Lots more in my facebook....Go check it out!!
And yeah, I finally found 'Cheong Sam' at One Utama. Thanks to SakaiMui!!!! heeeheheee
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Heart Sakai Mui

Wednesday, December 10, 2008
He said, She said....
Candy and Lily are dead. *sobsob* You must be wondering who is Candy and Lily. Is fishy!!! bleuks... Both of them are very cute and naughty sometimes. Especially Lily, always spit water to strangers! HAHAHAHA... * RIP *
Since they're no longer here, manager asked me to buy new fishy. I bought some peacock and fighting fish.
Peacock Fish * easy to breed * Can't wait to see the babies.... lol
Fighting fish, fierce looking * metallic blue-greenish + indigo * I'll name it 'LOLA'.... hahahahaha
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Got Punked!!
According to my previous blog, I dreamt about smeeelllyy came back but when I woke up only I realized that it was just a dream. Guess my dream came true. HAHAHAHA...
Was messaging smeeelllyy on Friday night :
Me : What you doing the there?
Him : Going out for dinner. You eh?
Me : Just finished work, later might going Jusco with Preeta. Then later night Rum Jungle.
Him : Oh okie, only both of you?
Me : Yea, What to do, boring!! This morning I dreamt bout u came back. =)
He called and asked, whether is I dream about him or someone told me he was back? I said, it was just a dream, no one tells me you're back. Then, he told me that everyone is back, only himself stayed back.
Me : HUH? Only you stayed back? Why? That means you dinner alone?
Him : I'm going out with *someone* . Tomorrow is her birthday.
*I was pissed off after the message, upset*
Decided to go Jusco for a walk and then later night club. So, I was complaining how pissed off am I about the message to Preeta. She just listened to me, and trying to calm me down a little. Until Vino called, asked us to go rooftop to meet them. Just after reached the rooftop, I hugged Vino, and he said " Don't worry la Queenie, everything will be fine ". Just after he said that, I saw someone look very VERY VERY familiar walking toward us. OH MY GOD!!!! There's no staying back at KL, no dinner with the *someone* and etc.. I GOT PUNKED!!! I was so surprised, I screamed and ran away from them!! HAHAHAHAHA Smeeelllyy is looking all over for me at Jusco and he's BACK!!! *grrriinnnsss* Another surprises from him! GOD!! I could have heart attack. But is sooooo sweet of him.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Thursday, December 4, 2008
OH NO! My colleague, Emily got chicken pox this morning. Yesterday, she was scratching her hand, i told her, "Don't scratch later not nice". We both don't know that it is chicken pox. We thought was a mosquito bite. Then this morning she went to clinic and comfirmed that is chicken pox. I was so afraid of it. I don't want to get any of 'em. Cause they will leave MARKS!! Oh god! Please help me to stay away from those chickys! I was calling my mum, manager, other branch of colleagues, asked for information, do I need to go for any injection! Well, the injection is quite expensive. But not recommended cause is like, their inject those cells of dead chicken pox into our body, and when our body realise those intruder, they will automatically produce antibodies. But this is not happen immediately, may takes some times, maybe weeks, months. Information from Mr. Faisal. =)
*Dear, Ms/Mr chickys, please don't come to me, I will be a very good girl, will drink more water, stay at home, so, please don't come to me, okay??? Thank You*
HAHAHAHAHA....... nightzzz
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
God Bless *smeeelllyy*
And I bumped into Michellebabe with her 2 friends. Oh, she look seriously tired.
Three of us were chatting bout schooling time, ex-es, current bf, friend of friends and etc... Oh yea, there were 4 of those chinese horny fellas looking at us non-stop and annoyed us all night! Raja was braved enough to cheers with them, and said softly, " You old man don't have wives at home? Go home la! " Preeta and me was laughing like a mad women there, don't worry, no one dare to mess with us! Cause we're CIM!!! *chinese, indian, malay* HAHAHAHAHA
Reached home around 2.00 am, cause I need to fetch both of em' home. =) Can't wait to hang out with them again. As usual, I will log in my facebook, blog and msn before I off to bed. Smeeelllyyy was still doing his assignment at late night, tomorrow early class, and test somemore! Oh god, I hope he can handle it. All the best to smeeelllyy. Support you no matter what.
Well, is 3.30 am right now, guess I need to get some sleep. Not forget to apply overnight mask, my skin is a bit dehydrated. sigh.... Night~~
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Hello Tuesday!!!
Woke up this morning with full of energy. Looking myself at the mirror for about 10 minutes. HAHAHAHA I can tell the difference. *wink* Singing ' Sunshine through my window, That's what you are, My shining's star, *Sunshine* Making me feel I'm on top of the world, Telling me I'll go far ' by Gabrielle.
It was like my off day today, woke up with the mood of not working. But the fact is, I need to work. So, getting myself ready and headed to work. And I'm working now!! HAHAHAHAHA.... My appointment is at 3 pm, gotta go get ready. Bye~~
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Up and Down weekend
First of all, sorry that i didn't update my blog for so long. bleuks!! About 3 days only la.. heeeheeee So, start from Friday. Planed to go club with my yogis, but eventually something happened, and end up staying at home for some HK drama. Around 11.45pm, one of my yogi Ryoko, messaged me, asking me whether I sleep yet. I replied her that I'm watching drama and its very boring!! So, she asking me again, whether my mood still on for club? Well, what somemore?? OFCOURSE!!! Always ON!!! HAHAHAHAHA...We headed to Sincero about 12.30am and we enjoyed ourselves with RnB music and as usual there's bees out there treat us some drinks. *laughingoutloud* You must be thought that good looking guy huh?? HAHAHAHAHAHA *lmao* I bet you know what i mean, right??? bleuks!!!!
Ryokobabe and me * this picture was taken by the 'bee' saying that this is the best shot of us *
Congratulations to my cousin brother. His big day *evillaughing* with his newly wed wife. ^^ I didn't go for the morning wedding ceremony cause I need to work and I'm so sorry. heeeeheeee But I attended his wedding dinner at night at the KOK THAI RESTAURANT behind jusco. Once again, congratulations!!!
Syok sendiri abit before off to the wedding dinner!!!!
Welcome home cousin siss *Sook Yee & Sook Yin* . They both are from Terengganu. ^^ We've been chatting on msn from time to time and we can't wait till we meet up!!! Sook Yin just finished her practical at Penang while Sook Yee just finished her blooooody SPM. yay!!! Time for parrttaayyy!!!! We went to Rum Jungle Ipoh with some of my friends Francis, Matthew, Mini, Smita, Siew Ee, and a whole bunch of unknown guys!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA
Sook Yin, Sook Yee, Mei Yee =D
Queen, Smita, Mini * I know this picture is not in good quality, but I found it nice * HAHAHA
Queen & Smita * gosh!!! look at her eyes!!!! envyyyy *
While we having fun, something badly happened to me. *sob sob* I fell down, and sprained my leg. I can't even stand up, luckily my friends is helpful enough to carried me onto sofa. Thanks fo Smita, she keep on massaged my leg and went to my car took sandal for me just to make sure that I'm comfortable. awwwww, so sweet of her. ^^ But we still enjoyed the night with one leg jumping here and there. ~~~doink ~~doink~~~
Still got the mood of camwhore!!! HAHAHAHAHA
Thursday, November 27, 2008
December is coming
Got an appointment this morning, I'm not complaining here, but I found this client a bit lazy! Okay, she's having problem with her skin, she suppose to come every week for the treatment, but she doesn't follow the rules. She come whenever she like. hmmmm Sounds disappointed right? The treatment was done about 3 hours. And its time for lunch. I'm controling myself not to take so much of food, cause I don't want to get plump!!! I'm looking for a Cheong Sam for CNY. HAHAHAHAHAHA I know, outdated.. But i would like to try... ^______^
Did some christmas decoration for my salon. There's only 2 colors for the christmas tree. sigghh Not my fault, my manager bought at Ikea and she said, she like purple and gold! That's why i mention only 2 colors. heeeheeee......
Not that bad right??
I cant wait for my christmas present!!!! *clappinghands* ^^ excited!!! I bet you feel the same, right???
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Thanks to Mr. Faisal =)
Yesterday night was a very tiring night for me, so i went to bed around 9.30 pm. But I didn't sleep well at all, and ended woke up at 3.15 am!!!! gggrrrrrr!!!! IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT??? Yea, you're right. Log in my facebook and msn for a while... uhuh!!! Mr. Faisal is awake too!! ^^ Well, we chatted bout lots of issue. I'm not going to tell what's the contain of the issues. HAHAHAHA But seriously, he made up my mind. Here, once again Thank You. We chatted about one hour and I started yawning. I got back to sleep after the conversation, and woke up at 9.30 am. As usual, cleaning up myself and I made myself a breakfast!! *ggrrriinnsss* Just a very normal strawberry and peanut butter toast. mmmmmmm yummmyyy~~~!!! ^^
While i'm on the way to work, as usual tuning in onto station Mix FM, guess what??? They were playing Better In Time by Leona Lewis. HAHAHAHAHA...... hmmm.... I know gods are giving me some hints here!!!! BLEUKS!!!!! " Since there's no more you and me, It's time I let you go, So i can be free, And live my life how it should be, No matter how hard it is, Ill be fine without you, Yes I will " ... powerful lyrics... heeeeheeeee
Monday, November 24, 2008
No mee hoon, No instants!!!!
Woke up this morning with the thought of cooking tom yam for myself and my colleague. After cleaning myself up, went down to get ready to whip something up, 15 minutes into searching for mee hoon to soak in the water,i realised there wasn't any in the first place!!! Ok plan B, I decided I would settle instant noodles as a substitue , but there's wasn't any stock either!! HAHAHAHA...I guess some shopping has to be done. So, the cooking thingy was total a failure!! Went back upstairs, did some fast make up, and was headed immediately to work. While tuning in onto the station Mix FM, to my astonishment, they were playing, God Must Have Spent a Little More Time On You, by N'sync. GOSH!!! Old school, but meaningful lyrics.
I like this part especially, "In all of creation, all things great and small, You are the one that surpasses them all, More precious than any diamonds or pearl, They broke the mold when you came in this world~~~~~"reminds me WAYYYY back of schooling time, when i used to buy cassettes!!! hahaha...Collecting all the posters of BSB, N'sync, Christina Aguilera, Britney Spears, Spice Girls....etc.... HAHAHAHAHAWell, as I wrote in my previous blog, these are the pictures at MOS partaayyyy!!! but i only uploaded few only, the rest is on my facebook, go check it out..
Sunday, November 23, 2008
It was a very rushed, bloody week for me. Not planning to go kayelle at all, even tho Preeta was asking me whether i'm interested for joining her to kayelle cause her father is fetching her, at 1st smeeelllyy is not agree with that cause kinda rush and staying for only one night and I need to work on sunday morning!!! MY GOD!!! How to go?? Going on saturday morning and leave on sunday morning!!! SOUNDS CRAZY RIGHT??? i know i know.... So, is not worth it, cause i know i will be extremely tired!!! SOMEMORE i need to go by bus!!!!!! WORST!!!! But u know what, i ended up I'm in kayelle on friday night!! LAUGH OUT LOUD!!! It was last minute plan!! Don't blame me. HAHAHAHAHA Yea, went down with Juliebabe and Francis, he's driving =) He got us there safely. No worries. heeeeheeee
Happened many things which I not expected at all. I can't describe much in here cause it was a very long story. And I'm afraid it will happen again!! Kinda heart pain when u saw someone u care, is bleeding. Face, elbow, feet, body.... I feel bad for him. But luckily he's a matured enough to think and I'm proud if him.... =)
Well, we went to MOS Euphoria again!!! HAHAHAHA.... BIG GROUP!!! Me, Eddy, Juliebabe, Francis, Sakai Belle, Vino, Matthew, Mini, Smita, Preeta, Bernard and a few more guys *forget their names* forgive me ya. And yea, I met Depa, Kelvin's gf for the very 1st time and she's a nurse. =) cool huh??
The pixies will be upload tomorrow when i'm recovered from my tiredness!!!! Night everyone.... *is praying, hope that smeellyy can get well soon*
Friday, November 21, 2008
Woke up around 12.30pm cos yesterday night slept around 7am. As the previous blog, its like i took some Awakening Potion~~~The 1st thing on my mind is the message i received last night, its like a night mare to me. But after all we still the same ^^ So, the whole day i was onlining, chatting, browsing here and there as usual, and thought some online shopping, BUT i cant get anything i want...kinda choosy!!! hheeeeeeheeee... Had a wonderful lunch cooked by my beloved-daddy and continue with my HK series.... The Gem of Life... Lotzzz of branded in this drama....weeeeee...... HAHAHAHA...i wish i could be one of them!!!! a ROOM of shoes, a ROOM of bags and accessories, CLOTHS ofcourse!!!!! HAHAHAHA....... nahhh.....dreaming~~~~
Around 5pm, mummy said, "Girl, wanna SHOPPING?????" and i was like "WANT!!!!!!!!!!! woooohhoooooo " *jumping around* "Okay, girl, mummy give u 2 hrs to get ready", my mum said. HAHAHAHAHA...... While getting ready, i thought of checking my facebook, and duuhhh, the INSANE girl, messaged me again...Why i mentioned AGAIN??? Long story.... nahh, I'm not that kind of childish here, so i just ignored what she wrote and done.... Even smeeelllyy also agree that we both just ignore the CRAZY, HORNY, DESPERATE girl..... lol
Me and my beloved-mummy went to Jusco for lil bit of splurge.... Girlie's thing... ^^ Then walk past by GUESS boutique, and i saw one shirt that exactly what smeellyy wants, price is reasonable too, not that really expensive, but I wanna do some "homework" before i buy it. Cause Ipoh don't really have much brand, so i decided to go kayellee and look for other brands 1st....good idea right??? that's what shopaholics do!!!! HA HA HA HA
After shopping with mummy, I meet up with my bestie, Michellebabe at Moon River, behind St. Micheal's school. Is a new place to hang out, nice environment, but the service and foods are suxxx..... i waited for about 30 minutes to get my COKE!!!! You can imagine my thirst!!!!! GOD!!! Me and Michellebabe was chit chating non-stop, as usual my Michellebabe will laugh like a mad women!!! HUAHUAHUAHUAHUA...... No offence dear... =D and there's always snaps snaps snaps!!!!!!! heehheeee
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Awakening Potion
Quite surprised to get such a message out of sudden. Sometimes i really don't understand why. WHY?? There's always no answer, or we can't answer it. Things become very complicated. Tearing makes my eyes tired. Slept for about half an hour, and i'm awake. Sometimes i wish i could never wake up from sleeping. I don't want to died in an accident, suffer from pain, I want naturally. Life is so short. We have to appreciate what we have, "If there's one spark of hope left in my grasp, i hold it with both hands, it's worth the risk of burning, to have a second chance".
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
....Well...... is 19th of November......... 19th such a memorable day for me...... It's remind me how i get to know someone. And every time i thought of it, i wil ^______^ smillleeeeee. Okay, wanna listen to grandma's bedtime story???? heeeeheeeee
I remember it was Wesak Day and is Monday, I was working all alone.....Yea, is holiday, but i gotta work on that day, pity me right?? Someone that work next door, CLOSED!! HAHAHAHAH So, as usual around 7 .20pm, my colleague from the other branch will come and accompany me till 8pm. Just after she reached, she said " Eh, your friend today off ar?? " . HUH??? my friend??? CLICK!!! aha!!! "Yea,today Monday mer, and is holiday somemore". heeeeheeeee and she continued " He left a note for me at the door there!! ". WHAT??? a note for me???? "You can't be serious", i said. "Go check it out den...". Okay, i nicely go and check it out.. GREAT!!!! i was punked!!! There's nothing for me but just a note to his customers written <> contact , XXXX 016- xxx xxxx > HAHAHAHAHAHAH I went back to my salon and look at my colleague, "Very funny". But u know what, the numbers was stuck in my brain!!!!! *laughdieme*
Okay, time to closed!! Just after i went in my car and start the engine, the angel of me telling me " Come on Queenie, give him a text ". While the devil of me telling me " NO Queenie, DON'T ". HAHAHAHAHAHAHA....Well, guess I listened to the angel ofcos...... ^^ Yea, i texted him...... and bla bla bla bla........end of story
We had a whole lotzzz of conversation via sms, msn, webbie, phone............ The next day working also smiling smiling, hello hello, peeping peeping!!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA.... Purposely walk pass by my shop and asked me wanna lunch together...... HAHAHAHAHA....... Such a memory!!! ^^
Alright, guess its enough for tonight, my sleepymode is turn ON!!!!! goodnight everyone, goodnight smeeelllyyy......
Monday, November 17, 2008
another tiring yet happy weekend
Well, smeeelllyy suppose to back on friday and i was supposing go kl on thursday but since they all coming back, so its canceled. I got nothing to do on thursday, just pampered myself a lil bit of pedicure and some hk drama as usual. Around 4 something to 5 pm, smeeelllyy messaged me,
smeeelllyy : Tomorrow i'm coming back addy, miss me or not???
me : i always miss u dear, always... can't wait to see you
smeeelllyy : Yes ar?? ok la then, go get ready, i fetch u go makan!
and i was like NOT AGAIN??????
me : huh??? fetch me go makan *act innocent abit* what u mean dear???
smeeelllyy : Just go get ready and i'll come later......
and you know what, i speeding like *ZZOooommmm here ZZZoooooMMmmm there*
After about 10 minutes, he arrived..... smeeelllyy said " Hello dear, SURPRISED!! " yea, i'm happy but not that surprised like the 1st time!!! but still i'm happy..... HAHAHAHAHAHHAA
we went out for lunch at Jusco food court with Juliebabe, Francis, Bernard.....and MADAGASCAR TWO!!!!!! Damn funny la...i was laughing like a mad women there.....till smeeelllyy said " dear, cool down a bit" HAHAHAHAHAHAHA....i cant help it....too funny addy....especially the 4 penguins....... awww....i love the baby hippo!!! damn cute!!!!!! ^^went dinner at Gourmet Square and the drinking sessions begin!!!!!
Woke up late, *evilsmile* , thought of going Cameron Highland, but no one wants to go, since kinda boring there, then 2nd plan, Taiping Zoo, but too bad no one wants to see monkeys!!!! 3rd plan, PENANG!!!!! me and smeeelllyy craving for DOME caesar salad.... thought of going there just to have our caesar salad and back to ipoh!!! crazy plan!!!! HAHAHAAHAHAbut too bad, Juliebabe have to reach ipoh by 6pm cos dinner with her beloved-mummy, and the weather is telling us its gonna rain soon......So, we headed to Ipoh Parade for some sushi....splurgeeeee a lil bit with smeeellyyy and back to smeeelllyy condo to get some rest cause we going club at night....yea, where else la??? Rum Jungle ........
Kinda sad, cos smeeelllyy is going back to kayelllee..... huhuhuhuhu....time is soooooo limit!!!
As usual i wish i could stopped the world!!!! hmmmmm.......yea, dreaming!!!!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
This morning woke up at 9.o0 am, listening to ne-yo....heeeeheeee....Then, continue sleep until 10am, smsed smeeeelllyyyy.... He said he just finished class, and heading to CC for games then 12pm class....hmmm....yea, getting ready for work..... As usual, will look at the mirror and SMILEeeeeeee and telling myself "I'm beautiful" HAHAHAHAHAHAHA......... That's what my yoga teacher taught me...... Telling yourself beautiful every single day can keep u young and free from wrinkles!!!! aiyo.......Then what's gonna happen to my business if every woman is free from wrinkles????? HAHAHAHAHA.... damn selfish right???? LOL
After telling myself I'm beautiful, thought of doing some sun solution pose *yoga*......Then suddenly, ARGHH!!!!! my BUTTOCK!!!! Must be i slept wrong side!!! Damn pain ler.... Don't know how to describe the feeling of CRAMP!!!! Thought of apply some cream on it, but i haven't bath. So, just after my beauty bath, i applied some *so called* buttock cream on it, but i still can feel the muscle cramped!!!! That's why today i walk like *senget* a bit. DON'T LAUGH!! pity me
Skipped breakfast today, until around 3pm, my tummy started to making sound *kulukulu* , telling me "I'm hungry~~~" So, i went to buy lunch for myself and colleague...... Talking bout my colleague, OH GOD, can't wait for her new coming baby.......She's start her maternity leave on Monday, then after CNY only she will come back for work. Time passes too fast, for me la. Its like just yesterday she got pregnant, and now she's waiting for deliver her baby. Everything seems happened so fast!!! Sometimes i wish i could turn back time and stop it there forever..... Sounds ridiculous right??
YAY!!! Tomorrow on leave till Sunday. What am i going to do??? hmmm..... Guess i'll be pampering myself with pedicure, lunch with daddy and mummy, splurge a lil, go home continue my HK series..... HAHAHAHA.... Supposing going kl tomorrow morning, but since smeeelllyyy coming back this week, so i'll just wait Friday and welcome home.... And yea, I'm craving for some nice wine, long time never tatse it..... hmmm.... Guess this weekend i'll be flying high....
Okay, time for me to continue my HK series...... Goodnight world... xoxo
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
THX Karen for tagged me
hmmmm....... When i was young, i always wanted to be a Beauty Therapist.... guess i'm successed!!! LOL.... but looking forward to something else....
2. Who is more important to you? Friends or boy/girlfriend?
BOTH !!!! Can't live without either!!!
3. How often do you think of committing suicide?
ONCE..... when i'm totally out!!!! Don't wanna talk about it anymore.....
4. Do you think you have enough confidence?
NO NO NO!!!!! ><
5. How many babies you want?
er........two??? eeeeeeeee
6. Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain?
Sometimes...... when i'm really down...... LOL
7. What is your goal for this year?
GOAL???? hmmmm....... i hope i pass my interview ( If u know what i mean) LOL
and yea, i want a HAWT body!!!!! even HAWTER!!!! HA HA HA HA HA...i know i'm dreaming..... cannot ar?????????
8. Do you believe in eternity love?
hmmmm.......well, yea.....but not now..... everything seems sooooooo complicated.....sigh
9. What's a perfect girlfriend/boyfriend like to u?
Gotta be understanding, patient, loving, caring, pay attention to my needs, TALL, well body figure ekekekekekekeke..........
10.What feeling do you love most?
When someone u love hug u from behind...... my heart will me!!!!! uuurrrggghhhh.....i felt so................. dotdotdot
11. What is your bad habit?
HAHAHAHAHA........when i laugh too hyper, i will make one kind of piggie sound!!!! embarrassing right???
12. Is there anything you wanna tell the ppl who hates you?
ermm....... Don't u think hates people makes you suffer??? So, don't be..... =) and I'm sorry for making u hates me..... hheeeeee
13. Do you cherish every single friendship of yours?
YEA, ofcos....... most of the time..... this is me... =)
14. What does flying means to you?
hmmmm...... flying high???? LOL
15. What do you crave for the most currently?
OMG...........DOME caesar salad!!!!! yyuuummmmmmm...*saladlover*
16. Who do you think is hotter, Chace Crawford or Kevin Peaker?
what??????? EDDY ASHRAFF !!!!! LOL
17. Describe the person who tagged you in 7 words.
don't really know her...but definitely friendly =)
18.What have you done to yourself make yourself happy?
pampered myself ofcos!!!!! countless!!!!!!!!
9. What will u become in another 10 years to come?
10 yearss???? no idea
20. What are u doing right now?
missing someone .......
Monday, November 10, 2008
Air Asia , MAS or SIA
hmmmmmm....nothing much for today..... uuuurrrgghhh!!! i hate FRECKLES!!!!!! LEAVE ME ALONE U MORON!!!!!!! i got 6 small tiny freckles on my right cheeks!!!!! damn it!!!!! Trying to apply something on it, push them down!!!! HA HA HA HA..... Yea, i'm kinda ALERT about my skin.... -_____- .... that's why i'm a beauty therapist...... LOL
This afternoon i got a call from Air Asia airline..... surprised right???? me too..... They nicely telling me that they will have an interview soon.... asked me whether i can come for it??? hmmmm..... If can, they asked me to send them my resume..... I was wondering how they got my number.... So, i nicely asking , "How did u get my number??" They said from agency..... AGENCY???? I didnt submit any of my portfolio or anything to any agency...... hmmm...... AHH!!! Maybe is the airlines academy..... I remember i filled up the form before..... That's how they get my number huh???? arrrhhhh, don't care..... Since I'm not really interested on Air Asia.... ^_^ Thanks for holla..... heeeheeee
Still looking forward to SIA next month....wish me luck ya!!!!!! hheeehhheeehheeeeee
Supposingly will sleep early tonight cause yesterday slept at 4.30 am.... Not really enough of sleep since i'm working today...... Yea, i need to work on weekends...... No life right??? My body kinda tired but my mind not allow me to sleep... that's why i'm FRUSTRATED..... I'm lying on my bed for about 1 hr ++, but i'm still awake.... There's nothing for me to do other than blogging..
WHY i slept late yesterday night?? hmm...what else??? Eh, come on, is saturday night.... PARTTAAYYYY~~~~ hahhaaa...... party queen..... *perasan* Me and my friends, Juliebabe, her bf Francis, Matthew, Mini & Smita ( came back from kayeellee ) and few more friends went party at Rum Jungle Ipoh..... hmmm.... I know kinda boring right??? Always rum or sincero.... HA HA HA HA.... but there's no others choice in Ipoh..... =) Don't complain ya.....
Reached about 11.30pm, kinda crowded since is Saturday night.... There's a group of PILOTs just graduated from Air Asia....... PILOT??? hmmm.....must be handsome right??? *ahem*ahem* ...... NOT EVEN ONE!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA......
Talking bout stewardess....... hmmm.... I'm really looking forward to SIA or MAS, there's always an interview every 2 months.....but everytime i didnt go for it.... Why??? Lack of confidence... No one can help me on this..... Everybody is asking me to go for it.... but i'm scared.... I got few babes who's working for SIA and MAS..... They give me lotssss of informations bout how to handle the interview and etc.... but i'm still not confidence enough bout myself..... How to build up my confidence?????????
My senior from secondary school, Kim Ong, asked me to go for modeling.... She even give me some informations on this... Where should i go and stuff.... Thanks her so so much... =) Asked me go for walk-in-interview..... hmmmm....sounds scary to me..... HA HA HA still i'm lack of confidence.....!!!!! uuuurrrrgggghhhhhh!!!!!! There's any INJECTIONS that can build up peoples confidence??? Something like BOTOX!!!! hahaha..... *evil laugh*
Okay, get back to the saturday night out..... i'm way far from that!!!! *sorry sorry*errmmm..... The whole night me and Juliebabe was waiting for the RnB....... hahahaha....... Even the Dj also fedup !!!! heeeeehheeee........ sorry la, really boring ma..... LOL... While waiting for the RnB, WHAT ELSE LA??? camwhoring........yea, AGAIN!!!! girlsssssssss

Ofcourse there's always another and ANOTHER shots!!!! but...i very lazy to upload ler..... bleuks!!!! You can check it out other pictures on my facebook ... hmmmm..... GOD!!!! I'm still awake!!!!! omg!!!! Guess i need to count sheeps!!!! 1 sheep, 2 sheep, 3 sheep, 4 sheep.............. ZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz *snored*
Saturday, November 8, 2008
So, i got nothing to do at the moment.....NOTHINGNOTHING!!!!!!
These are the pictures of my company Annual Dinner......was held at Genting Highland..... The dinner was usual there was lion dance at the beginning, as they believe that LION DANCE will bring us luck.... continue with the traditional dances, catwalk promoting our new launch products, speeches from our Mdm. Clara Chee, prizes for the most loyal staffs and clients and end with lots lots lots of photo shoot...... and of course, there's a free gift for everyone who attended the dinner * The new launching product Pearl range *
Thursday, November 6, 2008
ne-yo =)
Oh Gosh!!!! i think i'm addicted to Ne-yo's song!!! especially the new album
'Year Of The Gentleman' ..... ^_^
such a talented singer and hell yea, his sexy lip!!!!!........ HAHAHAHAHA... okay okay, smeeeelllyyy is the one who intro to me.....
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
sick, boring, frustrated EMO
Resting the whole day on my bed..........yea, i didn't go for work today....took off!!! guess i really need some rest after all.... feel so much better... ^_^
Woke up around 9.10am, the 1st thing on my mind is my smeeelllyy....wondering he's still snoring like a piglet, or in the class.....hmmm.......what else la.....SMS-ing!!! nicely took my cellphone, started to text.......Guess i'm wrong this time, he was not snoring like a piglet BUT nicely replied with, "morninggggg, i just finished class, hehe"OMG, is only early????? so, he was telling me that he went back home lepak, go lunch at 11am, and back for class at 12pm......hmmmm.......i was thinking, what am i going to do???? get dress up and go walk walk???? NO NO NO!!! i'm sick, should be resting at home!!!!
Yeah, that's what i did the whole day!!! browsing my facebook, blog, OTHER'S blog.........until my beloved-daddy nicely asked me "baby, u hungry??? daddy cook steak for you, okay???" ^____^ awwww......i know my daddy loves me....heeeeheeeeee i love you too daddy......*laughingtomyself*
After my lunch, my tummy started CRAMP!!!!!! XXXXXXXXX uurrrrgggghhhhh........i hate the feeling......!!! so, i just put in one dvd......chinese corpse movie.....the old type....we called it "keong si" HAHAHAHAHA.......its funny yet scary!!!! hahahahaha......the story is like, when you take off the "foo" (yellow holy paper) from the corpse, the corpse will alive and chase you!!! HAHAHAHA......and when the corpse near you, faster stop BREATHING, then the corpse will not see you!!!!! funny right???? *laughdieme* i was laughing the whole series!!! i'm not crazy, just want to get rid of the cramp of my tummy....
That's sick, boring, frustrated plus emo DAY!!!!! hmmmmmm
i wish smeeelllyyy is here with me, so he can cheer me up!!! cheng cheng!!!!! HEEEHEHEHEEE
It's time for my beauty shower!!!! scrub here and there!!!! LOL
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
SICK puullleeeaasseee stay away from me!!!! HAAAA CHHIIUUUU
i'm backkkkkk!!! h o m e s w e e t h o m e ^^

Juliebabe * Me * FULL time camwhoring!!!!
Sakai Belle * Me * sweeeet sweeeeeet ^__^
CLARA INTERNATIONAL 30th Annual Dinner ^^
thx to my smeelllyyy, vino, sakaimui and bernie.....they accompany me to
Genting Highland ^^
. SakaiBelle * Me * camwhoring before dinner.....
. CASINO!!!!! la....i didnt win anything!!!! so don't hoping me to belanja!!! LOL
pampered myself at Pavilion Mall after the tiring weekend.....
FISH SPA & Foot Reflexiology!!!! ........bite slowly fishhhyyyy!!!! hheeeehhhhheee